May 7, 2020

Trying to figure out how to save money on gas? Gas isn’t cheap, and as a rideshare driver, you use a lot of it. Anything that will help you save money on gas is something you should be doing. And there are a bunch of those things out there. Take a look at this complete rideshare guide that will help you save money on gas.

Things You Can Do to Save Money on Gas

There are a lot of small things you can do as a Rideshare driver to save money on gas. On their own, each of these things might seem small or inconsequential, but they’ll add up quick. Most of these won’t take any extra time out of your day either.

Here’s a quick list of some driving behaviors you can change that’ll help you use less gas and save more money.

1. Refill Your Tank at the Right Time

Gas is denser when it is cool. That means you’ll end up with less gas if you refill your car when the gas is warm. So make your gas station visits sometime in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler.

You should also avoid getting gas at the end of the week (usually between Wednesdays and Saturdays) whenever you can. Prices might rise on these days and lower again at the beginning of the week. Make getting gas a Sunday or Monday morning chore.

2. Drive as Little as Possible

This might sound a little backward for a rideshare driver, but if you keep this trick in mind, you’ll end up using a lot less gas than usual. To clear things up, this doesn’t mean you should take fewer fares. Otherwise, what’s the point of being a rideshare driver?

Just don’t drive when you don’t have to. Instead of driving around while you’re waiting for your next fare, use SherpaShare’s Compass feature to get ping-maximizing routes recommended for you. Chasing business doesn’t usually work anyway, and it will waste a lot of time and money.

Note: this may not work if there are a lot of other rideshare drivers in the area. In this case, you should use SherpaShare’s Heatmap to view real-time driver and passenger location info and head to an area with fewer drivers and more passengers to make sure you get more business.

3. Drive Slowly and Consistently

Anything that makes your car work harder is going to make it use more gas, and that includes driving fast. Driving a few miles over the speed limit doesn’t get you where you need to be any faster anyway, so slow down and drive just below the speed limit instead. Also, keep your speed consistent. This will let your car use gas more efficiently. Turn on cruise control whenever you can. You might yourself filling up with gas less often when you try this.

4. Turn Off Your Engine When You Can

When you’re sitting and waiting for your next passenger, make sure the car is turned off. Letting the car idle will waste a lot of gas. Leave the engine off until you have a new passenger. After you’re done with the trip, turn your car off again. It can make a big difference.

5. Plan the Fastest Route

Because you don’t know where you’ll be driving until you get a passenger, this might be hard to do. But whenever you can, take the fastest and easiest route to their destination that you can.

Try to avoid stop lights and stop signs if you can. A road that will let you drive without stopping is always a better choice.

Car Maintenance That Will Help You Save Money on Gas

Remember, when a car works harder, it uses more gas. That means you should make it as easy for your vehicle to run as possible. And that comes down to maintenance. There are several routine maintenance chores that will allow your car to use less gas. If you do these things often, you’ll be able to keep your vehicle in excellent condition and save more money. Here’s a quick list of some car maintenance tips.

1. Keep Your Tires Full

When tires start to lose air, they wear out faster. This means the car has to use more gas than it usually would to keep driving. Tires that are full give your car much better gas mileage.

Temperature also plays a part in your tire inflation. The pressure in your tires can change as many as two to three psi. So whenever the temperature goes through an extreme change, make sure you check your tire pressure. Checking your tire pressure isn’t hard, and it’s something you can do on your own if you have the right tools.

If you live in a place that requires snow tires during the winter, make sure you change them back when the snow is gone. When they drive on dry roads, snow tires cause extra friction, and all that will accomplish is wasting gas.

2. Keep Your Filters Clean

You might not think this has much to do with gas, but cleaning out your filters will help your car be fuel efficient. This gets even more important if you live in a particularly dusty area.

3. Use the Right Motor Oil

Not ever motor oil acts the same for every car. There’s a type of motor oil out there that’s the best oil for your vehicle, so you should make sure you’re using it.

This will make a big difference. When you’re car doesn’t have the right oil, it is forced to work harder and burn through more gas. If you aren’t sure what type of motor oil your car needs, look it up in the car manual or spend some time on the internet. It shouldn’t be hard to find.

4. Keep the Engine in Good Condition

This means giving your car regular tune-ups. When the engine is in good condition and does what it’s supposed to do, it will run a lot better. If you can’t remember the last time you got a tune-up, it’s been too long.

How to Save Money on Gas

If you’ve always wanted to know how to save money on gas, you now have some tips that can make you more gas efficient. When you use less gas, you save more money. These strategies may seem small, but they’ll add up fast, especially if you do them all together.